The Kindness of Strangers

P1020312 (2)One of the best things about being a gardener, up there with cake and unusual suntans, is the propensity of fellow gardeners to share.  It could be plants, cuttings, seed, even advice.  It is a knee jerk reaction to admiration of handiwork, can occasionally become an obsessive trait, it is what we do, we like to “pass it forward”.  A few weeks ago we were visited by Torrington Tina and her husband, an appreciative and knowledgeable partnerhip.  She left with some cuttings of myrtle and salvia in her handbag and promised to return with a special euphorbia that she had in her possession. This morning I was thrilled to find at the bottom of the potting shed steps, in a rather high quality plastic bag*, a wonderful specimen of Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii. So kind, thank you very much it will be very happy here.

*other department stores are available


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12 responses to “The Kindness of Strangers

  1. Adam D

    I am curious, how does a gardener’s suntan differ from everyone else’s? The last 2 summers I have managed to go lovely and brown following a week in The Algarve and then some decent Scottish sunshine (don’t laugh! It does stop raining every so often up here, ha ha!)

    Pass it forward = PIF? This is a term that I have only come across on shaving forums (Yes, you can get forums dedicated to men shaving, those shiny double edge razors are just so shiny and those badger hair brushes are full of body…).

    Sorry, I digress, what a lovely surprise you received this morning. I like Euphorbia and recently I was after a wulfenii, but my local nursery only had black eye in stock, I guess that it is similar, but smaller.

  2. diversifolius

    Ah – it will be a very happy plant at Cliffe!

  3. You just can’t go wrong with a nice Euphorbia, can you? I’m liking them more and more every year.

  4. Sign of a proper gardener… 🙂

  5. Betsy Hosegood

    Euphorbia envy!!!

  6. TheDigger

    I love sharing plants! I’ve hardly paid for anything in my garden, it’s all been swapsies from friends and relatives. And I think I’ve stocked every garden in my village with crocosmia…

  7. Hello. I have nominated you for the Liebster award. I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past year that I have been in the blogosphere and thought you would be a worthy nominee. It is a bit of a chain letter though and it involves answering some questions and linking back to my site! Having just done it myself I think I have done it right and if you look on my site at the latest post it will all become clear and you will find the questions you are invited to answer! Anyway, thanks for your interesting blog and happy new year! Geoff

  8. You’re right, gardeners are lovely people. My sweetheart is a great believer in passing along a plant. He even once rooted a sprig of rosemary used as garnish on a meal.

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