
On the edge gardening is about the life and times of a 5 acre garden on the North Devon coast.  The garden is a mix of wood and more formal planting on terraces supported by beautiful dry stone walls.  We also have a vegetable garden, fruit and a lovely Edwardian greenhouse.   Part of the garden is open to the public from April to September under the National Garden Scheme.  The structure of the garden (very steep with steps everywhere) means everything has to be carried or barrowed, no tractors here.  We have no direct sun from mid November to mid February and we are painfully exposed to wicked north/north easterly winds.  Apart from that its all pretty plain sailing really!

23 responses to “About

  1. I love your gardening blog. keep up the good work

  2. tus

    Love your blog,it’s like have a natter over a cold pint at the ends of more days than you’d ever get chance to really!

  3. geoff blundall

    Always like to peek in when struggling up coast path from Lee Bay, presume you are garden on left on hillside.
    Will be down again last week in March, will you be open then as we love walk from Ilfracombe to Mortehoe via Lee ?

    Any progress on Lee bay Hotel yet ?

    • We don’t officially open until 1 April but if you spot me shout and you can have a preview (of course all at your own peril and all that insurance stuff!). Would you like to guess about the hotel?!!!!

  4. Margaret

    I found you by accident, when the Grampus pub linked to you on Facebook. Thanks I have saved the link and will return

  5. christine farley

    I read your lovely piece in the most recent Plant Heritage magazine and would like to forward it to my Mum in London – we visited your garden last summer. Could you email me a copy please by any chance? Thankyou!
    Christine Farley, a South Devon gardener

  6. Becky Block

    This week: my new (very old) piano arrived, my cat pood on the floor (my fault I shut him in overnight), the oil tanker failed to deliver my oil, the friend who was coming to take me out to lunch died very suddenly and my fridge-freezer defrosted all over the kitchen floor – not necessarily in that order! Trying to console myself I look at planting a Magnolia and find your article about David Essex and see your cat Holly Golightly (my favourite film) and I laugh. Thank you.

    Whilst I do not share your passion for Essex men, I too have always wanted to have a Magnolia Grandiflora.

    • It sounds like you needed a laugh and glad I could help. I sympathise, sometimes if it is going to go wrong it goes wrong big time. I would say that you have used up your “bad thing” tokens for a long time and you are in big credit for the “fun and laughter” ones. For a while anyway.

  7. I found you on a link from your excellent article on the Hardy Plant Society website. You have just gone into my bookmarks!

  8. sabbas

    I can’t seem to find your gardens name and address.
    Could you please let me know the opening times as well. Do you have any P.volcan plants left this year?

  9. What a wonderful spot! Hope it’s not too wet and windy at the moment…

  10. Pingback: Botanically Inclined - Seed Adventures | Mariposita update – Schizanthus coccineus

  11. Gill I didn’t even know that you had one! Blog I mean, now I’m hooked.

  12. Thanks for liking my blog about weather prediction. I know you have your weather issues too! But they are actually pretty good these days. Even though they don’t find any blue moons.

  13. Now I understand your blog title! Thanks for following.

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